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Do you know the king of Korean health food, collagen bibimbap?

 gamsunhouchui 작성일  Aug 09 2021  658  0
뉴스비전e   차승민  2021.08.06


“As you go through life, you come across many situations. In a difficult time like these days, I think that what I can do well is meaningful work that someone should do, and I live happily every day.”
On August 5, Ryu Hyun-mi, president of the Food Culture World Exchange Association, met with this magazine at the Korean restaurant 'Gamsunhouchui’ located in Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, and said, "No matter how meaningful it is, today's action is more important than tomorrow's plan."
Chairman Ryu Hyun-mi is a representative person who is leading the development of global food culture convergence contents by actively promoting food culture together with culture and art experts in each field, including foreign embassies in 120 countries around the world. She is also famous for her Korean food ambassadors both at home and abroad.
The field he is currently passionate about is 'Korean food that calls for health'. This is why a restaurant called 'Gamsunhochui' opened last month in the middle of downtown Seoul while the entire food service industry is holding its breath in the aftermath of the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19).
Chairman Ryu said, "Suddenly, I was not feeling well, so I had no choice but to increase my interest in health." He said, "After surgery, I eat collagen to recover my health, and then I decided to make Korean food that is good for the body by combining collagen and Korean ingredients. I came."

After a busy day traveling to and from Korea, China and overseas, he underwent major surgery a few years ago. During his recovery period, he realized the advantages of collagen ingredients and decided to challenge the development of collagen bibimbap using domestic agricultural and marine products. Collagen Bibimbap, the representative menu of 'Gamseonhochwi', was born.
Chairman Ryu's first in Korea, 'Dagamhaeseon Collagen Miss', contains seafood, special vegetables, herbs, edible flowers, natural clusters, salmon roe, caviar, truffle oil, vegetable collagen, and more than 70 kinds of rich ingredients. Food stimulates the appetite. In addition, beef Wogamseon Collagen Mr. contains about 70 ingredients such as Korean beef, special vegetables and herbs, edible flowers, natural clusters, salmon roe, caviar, truffle oil, and vegetable collagen.
Chairman Ryu's meaningful determination is also etched in the company name. Gamseonhochwi (監膳好取) means "It's fun to be touched and realized by the practice of true love. It contains the meaning of putting health first and putting the sincerity of Korean food for widespread benefit.



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